(Slash Commands)Generates a random cat picture.
Generates a random dadjoke.
Creates a tombstone for the mentioned user or for yourself.
/dead [@user]
/dead @Typhoon#0800
Generates a random dog picture.
Creates a among us eject display picture.
/eject [@user]
/eject @Typhoon#0800
Creates a among us emergency scene with the emergency message.
/emergency <text>
/emergency Daemon is the imposter
Creates a gay overlay.
/gay [@user]
/gay @Rohit#3523
Hugs the mentioned user.
/hug <@user>
/hug @Typhoon#0800
Kiss the mentioned user.
/kiss <@user>
Generates a random meme.
Generates a random panda picture.
Pats the mentioned user.
/pat <@user>
/pat @Typhoon#0800
Rate the mentioned user
/rate <@user>
/rate @Daemon#6489
Duel the bot or your friend with a rock paper scissor game.
/rps [@user]
Slap the mentioned user.
/slap <@user>
/slap @Rohit#3523
Creates a triggered overlay.
/triggered [@user]
/triggered @Typhoon#0800
Creates a wasted overlay.
/wasted [@user]
/wasted @Rohit#3523
Winks at the mentioned user
/wink <@user>
/wink @Daemon#6489
Creates a YouTube comment with the given text.
/ytcomment <text>
/ytcomment Subscribe RILP Development
Create, list, reroll, delete and end giveaways in your server.
/giveaway create <prize> <duration> <winners> <channel>
/giveaway reroll <giveaway_messageId> [winner_amount]
/giveaway list
/giveaway delete <giveaway_messageId>
/giveaway end <giveaway_messageId>
/giveaway create RILP BOT Premium 28days 3 #giveaway
/giveaway reroll 902450492687396905 2
/giveaway list
/giveaway delete 902450492687396905
/giveaway end 902450492687396905
Get your or mentioned users's profile picture. This command works in DM also.
/avatar [@user]
Shows information about the bot
Shows information about an emoji
/emojiinfo <:emoji:>
/emojiinfo 😉
Lists all the emojis of the server
Shows the membercount of the server.
Shows information about a role
/roleinfo <@role>
/roleinfo @Members
Shows information about the server
Shows the info about an user
/userinfo [@user]
Add invites to the supplied user
/addinvites <regular / suspicious> <@user> <amount>
/addinvites regular @Typhoon#0800 2
/addinvites suspicious @Daemon#6489 5
Find the invitecode of an user
/invitecodes [@user]
/invitecodes @Typhoon#0800
Gives the user's list who joined using your invite links
/invited [@user]
/invited @Typhoon#0800
Display information about a single invite.
/inviteinfo <invite code>
/inviteinfo q6yefKD
Invite check of an user
/invites [@user]
/invites @Daemon#6489
Shows the invite leaderboard of the server.
Remove invites from the supplied user
/removeinvites <regular / suspicious> <@user> <invites>
/removeinvites regular @Typhoon#0800 9
/removeinvites suspicious @Daemon#6489 1
Reset everyone's invites or the mentioned member one on the server
/resetinvites <@user | all | left>
/resetinvites @Typhoon#0800
/resetinvites all
Synchronize current bot invites with the one in the Invites tab in your server settings
Add a role in the server
/addrole <role name> [color] [hoist]
/addrole Developers #32a89b false
/addrole Members true
Add, edit, delete, list, toggle custom comamnd
/cc add <command_name> <command_output> [delete_after_execution] [dm_response]
/cc edit <command_name> [command_output] [delete_after_execution] [dm_response]
/cc delete <command_name>
/cc list
/cc toggle <command_name> <on / off>
/cc add announce This is an announcement from the owner true false
/cc add announce "This is an announcement from the owner" true false [When using prefix command]
/cc edit announce This is a message false true
/cc edit announce "This is a message" false true [When using prefix command]
/cc delete broadcast
/cc list
/cc toggle broadcast off
Delete the mentioned role from server
/deleterole <@role>
/deleterole @Developers
Dumps all members of a role in order of the argument mentioned.
/dump [filter] [@role]
/dump Discriminator @Members
/dump Username @Members
/dump ID @Members
/dump Account Create Date @Members
/dump Server Join Date @Members
Get all the roles for the server
Change the nickname of an user
/nickname <@user> <nickname>
/nickname @Daemon#6489 DaemonBeast
Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000)
/purge [count]
/purge bots [count]
/purge user <@user> [count]
/purge humans [count]
/purge embeds [count]
/purge mentions [count]
/purge match <string> [count]
/purge startswith <string> [count]
/purge endswith <string> [count]
/purge emojis [count]
/purge links [count]
/purge attachments [count]
/purge 8
/purge bots 18
/purge user @Typhoon#0800 8
/purge humans 4
/purge embeds 50
/purge mentions 15
/purge match help 60
/purge startswith A 5
/purge endswith z 18
/purge emojis 15
/purge links 5
/purge attachments 5
Add or remove role to a user, all human users of the server, all bots of the server, to everyone and to users in a specific role.
/role give <@user> <@role>
/role remove <@user> <@role>
/role multiple all give <@role>
/role multiple bots give <@role>
/role multiple humans give <@role>
/role multiple all remove <@role>
/role multiple bots remove <@role>
/role multiple humans remove <@role>
/role in give <@inrole> <@role>
/role in remove <@inrole> <@role>
/role give @Daemon @Developer
/role remove @Daemon @Developer
/role multiple all give @Members
/role multiple bots give @BOTS
/role multiple humans give @Supporters
/role multiple all remove @Members
/role multiple bots remove @BOTS
/role multiple humans remove @Supporters
/role in give @Members @Supporters => This will give Supporters role to all the members in the Members role.
/role in remove @Members @Supporters => This will remove Supporters role from all the members in the Members role.
List the moderator roles
Ban a user from the server. Time limit is optional
/ban <@user> [reason] [duration] [delete-message-days]
/ban @MEE6#4876
/ban @MEE6#4876 For sending spam mail for NFTs 15mins
/ban @MEE6#4876 For being in existence 30mins 2 day
Deafen an user in the voice chat.
/deafen <@user>
/deafen @Rohit#3523
Foreverify everyone who haven't completed the verification or a single user
/forceverify all
/forceverify user <@user>
/forceverify all
/forceverify user @LegendaryEmoji#1742
View or clear infractions of a user.
/infractions view <@user>
/infractions clear <@user>
/infractions clear <caseId>
/infractions view @Typhoon#0800
/infractions clear @Typhoon#0800
/infractions clear ZI6ziw7qgA9YF948jarco
Kick an user from the server
/kick <@user> [reason]
/kick @LegendaryEmoji#1742 Not behaving well
Lock a channel to prevent everyone from talking. Time is optional
/lock [#channel] [time] [reason]
/lock #general 15mins To much spamming
/lock #general
/lock #general 15mins
Lockdown the whole server.
/lockserver start <reason>
/lockserver end <reason>
/lockserver exclude <channel / category>
/lockserver start Server got raided
/lockserver end Server raid over
/lockserver exclude #general
/lockserver exclude #CHAT
View, edit the modlog for an user
/modlogs view <@user>
/modlogs stats <@user>
/modlogs edit <@user> <caseId> <new_reason>
/modlogs delete <caseId>
/modlogs view @MEE6#4876
/modlogs stats @LegendaryEmoji#1742
/modlogs edit @MEE6#4786 fbU-lnVkK7EIbmWZCCnXi Still sending NFT's promotion email
Mute a member so they cannot type or speak, time limit in minutes. (If time is not mentioned it will mute the user for 28 days)
/mute <@user> [reason] [time]
/mute @Typhoon#0800 Shitposting 10min
/mute @Daemon#6489 5hrs
/mute @Rohit#3523
Enables slowmode for a channel.
/slowmode set [#channel] [delay]
/slowmode off [#channel]
/slowmode set #general 15mins
/slowmode set #general
/slowmode off #general
Soft ban a user to delete the messages of that user.
/softban <@user> [reason]
/softban @Typhoon#0800 spam
/softban @Daemon#6489
Total bans in server
Unban an user from the server
/unban <@user> [reason]
/unban @LegendaryEmoji#1742 We accept your apology
/unban @LegendaryEmoji#1742
Undeafen an user in the voice chat.
/undeafen <@user>
/undeafen @Rohit#3523
Unlock a locked channel
/unlock <#channel>
/unlock #general
Unmute a muted user
/unmute <@user> [reason]
/unmute @Typhoon#0800 For being good
/unmute @Daemon#6489
/unmute @Rohit#3523 We pardon you
Warn an user
/warn <@user> [reason]
/warn @Typhoon#0800 for spamming
/warn @Daemon#6489
Clear or get warnings for an user
/warnings view <@user>
/warnings clear <@user>
/warnings clear <caseId>
/warnings view @Typhoon#0800
/warnings clear @Typhoon#0800
/warnings clear ZI6ziw7qgA9YF948jarco
Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned
/afk [reason]
/afk ignore <#channel> => Ignore the channel when you are AFKed
/afk disable <#channel> => Deletes the channel from the AFK ignored
/afk clear [@user] => Clear the afk for a user if mentioned and if no user is mentioned clears for all server member
/afk list => Shows the list of all the AFKed user.
/afk Updating RILP BOT
/afk ignore #test-zone
/afk disable #test-zone
/afk clear @Typhoon#0800
/afk clear
/afk list
Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned
/birthday add <date> (Format - DD/MM/YYYY)
/birthday remove
/birthday list
/birthday unset <user>
/birthday view [user]
/birthday add 01/01/2000
/birthday remove
/birthday list
/birthday unset @LuciFer#2404
/birthday view @! SIEGE乛ˣᵈ#8963
Find information about a color
/color <color-name / hex code>
/color RED
/color #E67E22
Get the Dashboard link for the server.
Returns all commands, or info about one specific command.
/help [command]
Gives the invite link of the bot
Get the API and Bot ping.
Creates an multi options poll (max 9 options)
/poll create <poll question> [...options (seperated by commas)]
/poll end <messageId>
/poll show <messageId>
/poll create "Which is better?" Cats, Dogs
/poll end 909347102449102860
/poll show 909347102449102860
Create, delete, list your reminder
/reminder add <time> <message>
/reminder cancel <reminder_id>
/reminder cancelall
/reminder list
/remind add Update bot 15 minutes
/remind cancel 1545
/remind cancelall
/remind list
Add a emoji to the server using emoji or an image url.
/steal <:emoji: / image url> [emoji name]
/steal <:rilpyay:768684868124540948> rilpyaay
/steal https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/768684868124540948.png?size=128 rilpyay
Get the variables list.
Starts the verification again.
Get link to vote me on top.gg
Search the weather of a place
/weather <place name> [degree]
/weather Ahmedabad C
/weather Leeds F